
by Hugo,

How to choose the right SEO keywords?

Working on the good keywords will drive the right prospects on your website. How to choose them? Please find some advice from our team.

by Hugo,

SEO: when your competitors help you

by Hugo,

Structured Data: Tips to Boost Your Organic Traffic

by Hugo,

Opportunism and SEO Keywords - how to get traffic faster?

SEO takes time and requires a lot of patience. However, it is sometimes possible to achieve small victories by being opportunistic... here's how!

by Hugo,

Professional Jargon and SEO Keywords: How not to be wrong?

by Hugo,

EEAT, competitors and SEO Keyword strategy

In this post we explain why it is often better to focus on long tails or niche keywords rather than generic ones...and why Google's EEAT is ok with it.

by Tennessee,

How to succeed in Local SEO

Can your customers easily find your business? Follow these 7 pieces of advice to succeed in Local SEO and have customers knocking at your door.

by Gaelle,

8 golden rules for a brilliant homepage!

Your homepage is like the front-window of a shop. These 8 rules will optimize your homepage and have customers flooding in.

by Andressa,

Defining and identifying Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing can include the repetition of unnecessary keywords or phrases, and the addition of words out of context, the insertion of...

by Tennessee,

How much does an SEO service cost in the USA?

Among all the options and types of SEO services available on the internet, it can get quite complicated to understand what is behind an SEO service and how much website holders should be spending on them. For this reason we're going to answer the followin

by Tennessee,

Is Twitter really that good for businesses?

How useful is your Twitter account for your business? Does it allow you to show off your brand’s personality or is it too risky for your reputation? We answer your questions here.

by Gaelle,

8 useful tools to develop your business on social media 

To help you in your organization, here is the list of the 8 best tools that will help you manage your social network strategy: monitoring, creation, publication, reporting and moderation.

by Tennessee,

How to boost your traffic through social media?

Tweet, follow, like, hashtag…use social media to its full advantage and your website traffic will go through the roof.

by Tennessee,

How to ruin the performance of your SEO in 5 steps?

A little bit of irony today! We are obviously going to list the 5 things you absolutely should not do to succeed in SEO.

by Gaelle,

How to find toxic backlinks for my SEO?

Backlinks are crucial, everybody wants backlinks but you should forget black hat techniques like links farms... Google is far too smart not to see that you are using bad techniques! It is absolutely necessary to work on your netlinking to get quality link

by Andressa,

Disavow links: Why, When & How

How to easily disavow links in the Search Console? Step-by-step on how to disavow a link: Identify toxic/spammy links Create a list in a .txt file format...

by Andressa,

How to start a link building campaign from scratch

"There are two ways to generate links to your site: punctual link-building campaigns and recurrent actions. Each one is not dependent on the other, but both..."

by Quentin,

Netlinking: building a link strategy according to SEMJuice

Netlinking is a complex subject. Nicolas Mercatili from SEMJuice reveals his advice and tips to start a successful netlinking strategy.

by Andressa,

SEO Writing Guide: 5 Effective Steps to Optimize Your Content

Step 1: Write first to attract your audience, not the algorithms; Step 2: Avoid the phenomena of "stuffing" which strongly degrades the SEO...

by Quentin,

Search Query: How to write for user's search intention

Complete Guide: What is a search query? How to identify search intent results? How to create quality SEO content and optimize it to meet user's search intention?

by Quentin,

How to write content that meets users' needs and intent

Every content must be optimized for SEO, but also to meet users' needs and intent. Zohra Belmahdi gives us her tips for writing quality content.

by Brice,

How to launch a well optimized website: essential steps

Whether you are launching or taking over a website, this article will help you list your validation steps for a well optimized website.

by Quentin,

How can you create high-quality content to hold onto your customers?

Follow these 6 top tips to create content that guarantees customer retention for your business.

by Brice,

Stop with the misconceptions about link building

Is a website's reputation based on a single page? Should we prioritize quality over quantity with backlinks ? Should we have several backlinks from the same domain ? How does the juice of links work ? All these answers in are here.

by Brice,

100 copy and paste headline ideas that generate traffic!

We've generated the top 100 copy and paste headline ideas to boost your traffic that have been proven to work on the internet.

by Andressa,

How do you know the price or, rather, the value of a keyword ? 

You cannot literally « buy keywords » but you can buy a good temporary ranking on search engines. However, keywords do have a price.

by Andressa,

7 steps of a good SEO audit

What are the steps of an SEO audit, where do I start ? Which  KPIs and data are important to analyse ? Are you interested in becoming a professional SEO auditor?  This 7 steps guide was made for you!

by Andressa,

3 easy steps to write SEO friendly content

Today, we explain you in 3 points how and why written SEO content is very important for your site’s ranking. We also tell you why you should hire a website content writer.

by Tennessee,

7 tips to improve your mobile SEO

How to be as well-ranked on mobile than desktop ? Today, we explain you quickly, in 7 points, how to please search engines algorithms and how to rank on mobile !

by Tennessee,

6 tips on what makes good customer service to increase your sales

Good customer service can be hard to find but with these six tips you can be providing the best customer service possible so your customers keep coming back to you.

by Tennessee,

What is Position 0, what are the benefits and how do I achieve it?

Getting your website content in position zero can really help improve your website traffic and generate qualified leads. Discover how you can increase your chances and the benefits it could bring you.

by Tennessee,

5 reasons why website search engine optimization might seem scarier than you think

Website search engine optimization can be daunting for anyone due to the vast amount of information to think about but it really isn’t that scary. Read these 5 reasons why it’s causing you unnecessary nightmares.

by Tennessee,

7 tips and tricks to use Psychological Marketing for your business

Discover 7 psychological marketing techniques to prompt positive emotional responses from consumers to persuade them that your products are the best to buy than anywhere else.

by Tennessee,

9 SEO tips to optimize your website in 2019

Start 2019 the best way by following these SEO tips to optimize your site in order to improve your position in the SERP and your online visibility.

by Tennessee,

The Reality about Guest Blogging…or trying to!

Guest blogging isn’t an easy process as it takes time to find the right blog but it does allow you to show a wider audience your knowledge and expertise on a subject.

by Tennessee,

8 ways to create a successful backlinks campaign

Backlinks help improve your SEO, increase your website traffic and build-up a great online reputation. Discover 8 ways to put in place a winning backlinks campaign.

by Tennessee,

I have a website, a good business but how can I drive traffic towards my site?

Struggling to drive traffic to your website? Follow these 6 actions and you’ll no longer have to worry about a quiet website again.

by Tennessee,

SEO and Content Strategy: How to successfully target your content and your keywords?

SEOh Agency looks into the best strategies to make sure your content matches an internet user's request in the search engines.

by Tennessee,

What you need to know about duplicate content

Don’t let duplicate content lead to a drop in your rankings. Here are 7 factors worth knowing about for duplicate content.

by Tennessee,

How online reviews can make or break your business

Online reviews can either make your business shine above the rest or leave you with a poor reputation. Discover how reviews can make or break your business here with Cocolyze.

by Tennessee,

10 SEO tools that won’t cost you a penny

SEO tools can turn out expensive but there are plenty that are free and provide all the data you need. Here is my list of 10 free SEO tools that do the job well.

by Tennessee,

How to find the best keywords to rank upon?

Keywords are your key to successfully ranking in the search engine results so it’s important you spend time on choosing the most pertinent ones that describe your product/service. Here I reveal how to find the best keywords just for you.

by Tennessee,

How to perfect your Email Marketing campaign

Getting your email read amongst the inbox noise can be difficult but certainly achievable if done in the right way. Learn how to perfect your email marketing here with Cocolyze.

by Tennessee,

7 tips to mess-up your startup in style

Thousands of start-ups are created every year, yet so many of them end up failing. Here I reveal why the majority of start-ups don’t get very far.

by Tennessee,

Why should I focus on a Mobile-First website?

Mobile-First is here and here to stay. If you want the highest chances of being ranked in Google Mobile you need to focus on mobile-first. Discover the 5 important reasons why you can no longer ignore it.

by Tennessee,

Influencer Marketing is not full-proof and never will be

Influencer Marketing isn’t all it’s made out to be. Here I reveal why there are still flaws in the concept and it shouldn’t be something to rely on within your marketing strategy.

by Tennessee,

How to find your ‘lost’ customers with FullStory?

Ever wondered why visitors disappear from your website? With FullStory you never have to wonder again. Discover how you can use this platform to get your visitors back here.

by Tennessee,

How much do SEO services really cost?

What is the real cost of SEO? Is it cheaper to do it yourself or externalize the work? We reveal the 3 best options to help you decide which path to take.

by Tennessee,

The Ins and Outs of Online Forums

Online forums can be a haven of insightful information but they’re also at risk of being left behind due to the rise of social media. Discover the pros and cons of forums with Cocolyze.

by Tennessee,

10 SEO tools you can’t afford to ignore

There are so many SEO tools out there that it’s hard to know which one to choose. Here’s my list of 10 tools that are worth trying out for your website optimization.

by Tennessee,

The rise of Voice Search in the SEO world

With more and more searches being carried out on-the-go, Voice Search is on the rise in the world of SEO. I reveal 6 factors that you’ll need to watch out for.

by Tennessee,

How to create an effective Google AdWords campaign

Google AdWords can be a daunting process but can bring-in highly qualified traffic to your website. Here are 7 ways to achieve an AdWords campaign that really works.

by Andressa,

The influencers you should be following right now

A list of some of the top influencers in the SEO and Digital Marketing world you should be following.

by Tennessee,

5 Benefits of using Google Analytics for your SEO campaign

Understanding how your website visitors find you is vital for analyzing your SEO campaigns. We give you 5 advantages of why Google Analytics is the must-have tool for any business.

by Andressa,

7 Reasons Why Blogging Can Achieve Good SEO Results

Blogging is a great way to increase your online presence and get noticed. These 7 steps show you how well-written articles can improve your search engine optimization.

by Tennessee,

7 SEO ideas for businesses on a budget

SEO doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. With these 7 simple and inexpensive ideas, you too can improve your optimization.

by Gaelle,

8 SEO rules to optimize the Page Title

Your page title is seen by everyone, everywhere. We reveal the secrets in achieving 100% optimization.