My new backlink is not in Cocolyze

We scan all the web everyday to discover new backlinks. We use the biggest backlinks database in the world (Majestic) with more than 8 000 000 000 000 links. Every day, pages are visited to monitor links and detect new ones.

Unfortunately, all pages are not checked by our robots and Google robots everyday. So you can see in Cocolyze the date on which we detected that the link has been deleted or found for the first time and not the date on which you created the link.

Data can sometimes take several days before being detected. It depends on the popularity of the website (the less a website is popular, the less it is checked by robots). 

If a link is not in your report and you want to add it to your monitoring, you can add it manually to your campaign just by clicking on « import links » at the top of the first table.